9–11 de septiembre de 2019
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Gravitational production of scalar dark matter in the early universe

11 sept 2019, 10:05
M2 (Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM)


Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM

Contributed talk Wednesday morning


Sr. José Manuel Sánchez Velázquez (UCM)


In this work we have considered the gravitational production as the mechanism responsible for the creation of dark matter during the early epochs of the Universe. This mechanism imposes some constrains in the parameter space of the candidate field as it abundance is bounded by the observations. We have considered the dark matter field as a scalar one not minimally coupled to gravity. The importance of the oscillations of the Ricci scalar sourced by the inflaton is investigated as it enhances the production of particles during the reheating stage.

Materiales de la presentación