Seminarios y conferencias

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and ProtoDUNE

por Dr. Clara Cuesta (CIEMAT)

Sala María de Maeztu (Edificio 2)

Sala María de Maeztu

Edificio 2


The DUNE experiment provides a rich science program with the focus on neutrino science and proton decay studies. The high-intensity wide-band neutrino beam will be produced at Fermilab and will be directed to the 40 kt liquid argon far detector at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), 1300 km from Fermilab. One of the most important goals of the experiment is to determine the neutrino mass ordering and the measurement of the CP violating phase. The underground location of the large DUNE far detector and its excellent energy and spatial resolution will allow also conducting non-accelerator physics programs predicted by GUT models, such as nucleon decay or n-nbar oscillations. Moreover, it will be sensitive to measure of the electron neutrino flux from a core-collapse supernova providing valuable information on the mechanism of a supernova. This ambitious project involves worldwide contribution and extensive prototyping and testing program to guarantee that all parts of the technology are fully understood and well tested. In 2018, the single-phase prototype took successfully data in the test beam and ProtoDUNE Dual Phase started data taking with cosmics during summer this year. The CIEMAT contribution to ProtoDUNE and the DUNE project will also be presented in this seminar.