Seminarios y conferencias

Particle detectors with argon: status, prospects and results of the FPA2017-92505-EXPLORA project at CIEMAT

por Roberto Santorelli (CIEMAT)



Since the early 2000s, the importance of detectors based on liquefied noble gases has been paramount in the rare event research field, due to the target's intrinsic radio-purity and the accurate charge and light collection provided by this technology. One of the most effective implementations of this concept has been the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) based on argon or xenon, which allowed an incredible leap in the dark matter and neutrino research field thanks to the 3D event reconstruction capability. Although this technology is robust and successful, the challenges posed by the sensitivity of the new generation of rare event search experiments have taken this technology to the extreme, currently unsurpassed, limits.  

In this talk, we will discuss the current achievements and future requirements of some experiments based on liquefied noble gases. We will also present the recent results of the  92505-EXPLORA project at CIEMAT, whose aim is to open new paths and overcome this technology's limits.