Seminarios y conferencias

Extending resonance searches towards lower masses: results and prospectives with the ATLAS experiment

por Luis Pascual Dominguez (Tel Aviv University)

Sala María de Maeztu (Edificio 2) (Aulas)

Sala María de Maeztu (Edificio 2)


Seminario CFP, hibrido: Edificio 2, Sala María de Maeztu / Zoom Coordenadas zoom:

The Higgs boson discovery by ATLAS and CMS collaborations relied mainly on resonance searches in two different channels, one of them being the diphoton channel. Since then, both experiments have extended the resonance searches towards lower and higher invariant masses up to limits often driven by experimental limitations.
The majority of existing theoretical models guides searches towards the very-high energy regime, overlooking lower energy regions that are accessible to state-of-the-art accelerators. Such light states are predicted in many New Physics (NP) scenarios like extended Higgs sectors, or models including axion-like particles that make the connection between the SM particles and unknown elements of a larger theory.
This talk focuses on the state of the art of searches targeting resonances below the Higgs mass with the ATLAS experiment, in particular a novel diphoton resonance search in the invariant mass range below 60 GeV using all Run2 data from pp collisions. Some perspectives on future analyses in the same mass region will be discussed.


Seminario CFP, hibrido: Edificio 2, Sala María de Maeztu / Zoom

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