Seminarios y conferencias

Preparations for Next-Generation Liquid Argon-based Detectors

por Michael Mulhearn (UC Davis)

E2/María de Maeztu (CIEMAT)

E2/María de Maeztu



High-purity liquid Argon is transparent to its own copiously produced scintillation light and has a low-rate of electron-ion recombination, making it a nearly-ideal and widely-used detector medium for both neutrino physics and searches for dark matter.  Reaching the ambitious physics goals of the next generation of these experiments will rely on a thorough understanding of the interaction of neutrons with argon, accurate calibration of the detectors, sophisticated reconstruction techniques, and cutting-edge electronics.  The speaker will discuss their contributions to all of these topics, particularly in the context of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE).