LHCb is an experiment dedicated to probe the 'flavour sector' of the Standard Model -- the one involving a heavy flavour quark, such as the beauty quark. In the past decade, several LHCb measurements seemed to be at tension with the predictions from theory, generating a lot of attention both of the scientific community and of the international press. Are these measurements pointing the way towards unknown physics? We discuss the status of these 'anomalies', with focus on the differences in matter-antimatter production, and on the transitions of a beauty to a strange or charm quark.
(As an addendum, I will present a few curious facts about the career as a particle physicist researcher in the Netherlands).
Seminario CFP, hibrido: Edificio 2, Sala María de Maeztu / Zoom
Coordenadas zoom: http://cfp.ciemat.es/zoomae/eventos