Seminarios y conferencias

From catalogues to cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey Year 6

por Dr. Simon Samuroff (Northeastern University)

Sala María de Maeztu (Edificio 2) (Aulas)

Sala María de Maeztu (Edificio 2)


Seminario CFP, hibrido: Edificio 2, Sala María de Maeztu / Zoom Coordenadas zoom:

In this talk I will discuss the status of and prospects for the upcoming Dark Energy Survey Y6 cosmological weak lensing analyses. DES is the largest lensing survey of its generation, and the lensing sample includes ~150-200 million galaxy images, allowing extremely high precision lensing measurements. I will briefly outline the Y6 lensing pipeline, taking us from photometric pixel data to cosmological constraints. I will discuss some of the key challenges, particularly in how we model these high signal-to-noise measurements. I will finish by looking beyond DES Y6, to discuss prospects for future cosmic shear analyses, using the unprecedentedly large data sets from experiments such as LSST and Euclid.


Seminario CFP, hibrido: Edificio 2, Sala María de Maeztu / Zoom

Coordenadas zoom: