The origins of the most energetic particles in the Universe have been a long-standing mystery. In the quest to identify their sources, it is crucial to comprehend how these particles are accelerated, how they can escape from their production sites, and which pathways they can follow on their journey to Earth. The multimessenger framework has proven to be a powerful tool for exploring the Universe at these extreme energies. In this presentation, I will focus on the trio of (ultra-)high-energy messengers: cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gamma rays. I will start with an overview of the current state of this field, encompassing key theoretical advancements and recent observations. Following that, I will delve into the potential for constructing a unified and internally consistent model of the Universe at ultra-high energies, along with the implications such a model would hold for astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. Lastly, I will briefly touch upon some ongoing projects aimed at deciphering the universe at ultra-high energies.
Seminario CFP, hibrido: Edificio 2, Sala María de Maeztu / Zoom
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