Seminarios y conferencias

Cosmology with galaxy surveys: from 3x2pt to 6x2pt

by Dr Elisa Chisari

sala Maria de Maeztu (Edificio 2) (Aulas)

sala Maria de Maeztu (Edificio 2)


Modern large-scale surveys have adopted “3x2pt" correlations as one of their key probes for extracting cosmological information. 3x2pt techniques combine gravitational lensing and clustering of (selected) large-scale structure tracers with the goal of determining the nature of dark energy.  In an era of cosmological tensions, the inclusion of other cross-correlations can offer robustness against residual systematics and enhanced signal-to-noise. In this talk, I will show how complementing a 3x2pt analysis with the (auto- and cross-) clustering of photometric lensing samples can result in mitigation of residual redshift calibration systematics and enhance the figure-of-merit for parameters related to the growth of structure. Specifically, I will demonstrate this using full-likelihood forecasts produced by the KiDS collaboration for 3x2pt and up to 6x2pt combinations, including allowing for a flexible Gaussian mixture model for redshift distributions. 

