9–11 de septiembre de 2019
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Horizons and symmetry restoration: the case of QCD

10 sept 2019, 16:00
M2 (Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM)


Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, UCM

Lightning talk Tuesday afternoon


Sr. Adrián Casado Turrión (UCM)


In this talk we shall consider the possibility of chiral symmetry restoration for observers located close to acceleration horizons, black holes and cosmological horizons. The Thermalization Theorem formalism and the large N limit (with N being the number of pions) will be employed to solve the lowest-order approximation to QCD at low energies in Rindler spacetime and close to the horizons of de Sitter and Schwarzschild. We shall show that chiral symmetry is restored in these cases, in complete analogy with the Minkowski-spacetime, finite-temperature case.

Materiales de la presentación