CIEMAT CALICE/ILC Analisys meeting



    • 1
      Report Héctor
      Ponente: Héctor García Cabrera (CIEMAT)
    • 2
      Report Camilo
      Ponente: Camilo Carrillo (CIEMAT)

      Yesterday Akiya (MC team member) reported they have finished the MC production for us (SDHCAL):

      The reconstruction of muon and k0long samples with o2 option has completed.
      The samples are in /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt/ild/dst-merged/1-calib/single/ILD_l5_o2_v02_nobg/v02-01
      Additional information will be found at

      Next steps:

      1. Make a copy to gauical:/data/... so we can run our scripts.
      2. Produce the dsitributions per thersholds that we have already master.
      3. Produce the comparison Reco/MC by particle ID.
      4. Produce some event displays with SDHCAL hits.

      Any comments about the klong0?