Seminarios y conferencias

Searching for lepton flavor violation with the Mu3e experiment at PSI

por Cristina Martin Perez

Sala Maria de Maeztu (Edificio 2)

Sala Maria de Maeztu (Edificio 2)


Lepton flavor violation (LFV) research is currently one of the most exciting branches of particle physics. The observation of LFV in the charged lepton sector would be an unambiguous sign of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM), and thus, it is the channel of choice for many BSM searches. The Mu3e experiment, which will search for the flavor-violating µ+→e+ee+  decay, is a precision physics experiment at the forefront of the field. Currently in commissioning phase, it is housed at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland, which provides the most intense continuous muon beam in the world. The Mu3e Collaboration aims to perform a background-free search for the µ+→e+ee+ decay with an unprecedented ultimate sensitivity of 10-16 - an improvement over the preceding SINDRUM experiment by four orders of magnitude. This requires a detector capable of coping with rates of up to 2 ⋅ 109 muons/s whilst being able to reduce backgrounds below the 10-16 level. The use of 50 µm thin high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensors in conjunction with an innovative tracking concept provide the momentum and position resolution necessary, while a timing resolution at the 100 ps level is granted by a combination of scintillating fibres and tiles. In this seminar, the theoretical motivation, experimental design and timeline of Mu3e will be presented.

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