27–28 de enero de 2025
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Access to CIEMAT

CIEMAT is a Public Research Organization under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The CIEMAT-Moncloa headquarters are located in the western part of Madrid, near the Complutense University Campus (map). Details on how to get to CIEMAT can be found on this web page.



In order to gain access to the CIEMAT you will have to be accredited at the security checkpoint at the south gate of the CIEMAT (photo below). It is essential to present your DNI, NIE or passport to access the center. Once your identity has been verified, you will receive an identification card that you must return to the security control at the end of the day.



The meetings will take place in building 2 (red circle in the image) in the Maria de Maetzu and Heisenberg rooms (floor 0). For those who would like to stay for lunch at CIEMAT, the cafeteria is located in building 1 (blue in the image).