20–22 de septiembre de 2023
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Simulating signals in noble liquid detectors using NEST

20 sept 2023, 16:30
1h 15m
Colonnade room

Colonnade room

poster Light/charge response in noble elements Poster session


Shawn Westerdale (INFN Cagliari)


The Noble Element Simulation Technique (NEST) is a toolkit for simulating signals in noble liquid detectors. A variety of models have been developed to simulate ionization and scintillation signals in argon- and xenon-based detectors, trained and benchmarked against a body of data published in rare-event search experiments and dedicated calibration measurements. This presentation will discuss the models developed by NEST and their validation against the existing body of data in argon and xenon detectors.

Autor primario

Shawn Westerdale (INFN Cagliari)

Materiales de la presentación

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