20–22 de septiembre de 2023
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Absolute Photon Detection Efficiency Measurement of X-ARAPUCA-VD

20 sept 2023, 14:20


oral presentation Session III


Francesco Di Capua (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and INFN)


DUNE is an ambitious experimental project with a wide physics program aiming to the observation of the neutrino oscillation physics like CP violation and identification of mass hierarchy, the detection of supernova and solar neutrinos and the search for the proton decay.
The experiment is based on the liquid argon time projection chamber technology with four modules. The first of two far detectors respectively with horizontal (FD-HD) and vertical drifts (FD-VD) are under construction and are equipped with a photon detection system based on the X-ARAPUCA photodevices.
X-ARAPUCAs are modules of light-collecting cells in which VUV photons from liquid argon scintillation light process are trapped between reflecting surfaces until they are detected by silicon photosensors.
The measurement of the absolute photon detection efficiency (PDE) of the photodevices at liquid argon temperature represents a fundamental requirement for the characterization of the photon detection system of the DUNE experiment to be also compared with the results from Monte Carlo simulations.
Two different versions of the X-ARAPUCA have been designed respectively for the HD and VD.
The PDE of the X-ARAPUCA-HD has been already measured, while no measurements have been already performed for the X-ARAPUCA-VD.
To this purpose a dedicated test has been designed at Naples cryogenic laboratory to measure the absolute PDE in liquid argon of the X-ARAPUCA-VD with dimensions of 60×60 cm^2.
A detailed description of the facilities used will be shown, operations and methods for the measurement will be presented, results of the test will be reported. Future plans and possible upgrades will be also discussed.

N. Canci - F. Di Capua on behalf of DUNE Collaboration

Autor primario

Francesco Di Capua (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and INFN)


Materiales de la presentación