Mini-workshop: graphene technology in particle physics

María de Maeztu room. Building 2 (CIEMAT)

María de Maeztu room. Building 2


Avenida Complutense 40, 28040 Madrid
Antonio Molinero (CIEMAT), Pablo García Abia (CIEMAT), Roberto Santorelli (CIEMAT)
Graphene has a significant potential for applications in the field of new detectors for particle physics. The PTOLEMY project, an experiment that will search for relic neutrinos, foresees the use of highly sensitive graphene-based detectors for registering the tiny expected signals. CIEMAT has interest in this technology and several departments are already working on applications of graphene. Physicists of the Particle Physics Unit are looking forward to opening a research line in graphene detectors, together with colleagues from the Department of Technology. The goal of this mini-workshop is to bring together enterprises and research institutes working in the field of graphene applications and detector development and to tend bridges among them.