26–27 de septiembre de 2022
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Preliminary Safety Assessment of Complementary Experiments for the IFMIF-DONES facility

27 sept 2022, 12:50


Claudio Torregrosa Martín (UGR)


A series of Complementary Experiments in the IFMIF-DONES facility that could be of interest for the Scientific Community were proposed within the DONES-PREP FP8 EC project. Such experiments would profit from two eventual experimental areas used for this purpose: (i) the room R160, adjacent to the Test Cell and connected with it by a duct through which neutrons would be extracted and collimated, and (ii) the room R026, below the Accelerator Vault, where pulsed deuterons beams would be sent by a dedicated deflection of the main beam line. The current proposals comprise a variety of research areas such as neutron imaging, neutron activation analysis for nuclear physics, radiation resistance tests, slow neutrons scattering, research by use of cold neutrons, radionuclides production, and neutron medical applications. In this presentation, a preliminary and qualitative assesment of the safety implications of the proposed experiments will be shown. The output of the assesment will be a first categorization of the current experimental proposals based on the complexity of their implementation from the safety point of view, taking into account both internal aspects and interface implications for the general plant design. Therefore, this assessment will be used to identify in advance main safety aspects like new hazards introduced (radiological and non-radiological), as well as to highlight the safety functions that should be pursued for their eventual implementation.

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