26–27 de septiembre de 2022
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

PRISMAP - The European medical radionuclides programme

27 sept 2022, 9:00


Thierry Stora (CERN)


PRISMAP is a consortium of large scale facilities which deliver non-conventional radionuclides for the medical research. It receives funding from the European Commission and provides radionuclides for medical research teams in preclinical and clinical research.
Our facilities include different high power cyclotrons, nuclear reactors, and isotope mass separators which allow to provide a range of theranostics (diagnostic+treatment) isotopes in high molar activity grades.
Research projects include preclinical studies, radiobiology dosimetry,Auger electron emission, development of techniques.
Future major isotope produciton facilities have also been integrated from the onset of the program, such as SPES in Italy,JHR reactor in France, Myrrha in Belgium.
An overview of the project and some information on the medical programme will be provided.

This project has received funding from the European Commision H2020 under grant #101008571 (PRISMAP). prismap.eu

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