20–22 de septiembre de 2023
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Optimization of the Photon Collector of the X-Arapuca for the DUNE FD1 and FD2

20 sept 2023, 14:55


oral presentation Session III


Dr. Carla Maria Cattadori (INFN MIlano Bicocca)


DUNE is a challenging long-baseline accelerator experiment in construction at Fermilab and SURF (South Dakota) aiming to probe CP violation in the neutrino sector and to identify the neutrino mass hierarchy.
The DUNE physics reaches on the observation of supernova neutrino bursts and proton decay are remarkably enhanced by the DUNE Photon Detection System (PDS) and strictly related to the Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) of the Photon Detector unit named X-Arapuca.

In this contribution, we will present the features and the basic performances of the FD1 X-Arapuca device, the impact of the PDE on the DUNE physics reach and the strategies we implemented to boost it. Most of them have been as well integrated in the FD2 X-Arapuca design.
At the core of the X-Arapuca device is a large WLS tile: we’ll show and discuss the relevant features of the new photon downshifting (WLS) material, that is now the baseline product for both FD1 and FD2. Its design and production process allow to manufacture large slabs with high performances at low cost.
It will be shown how the WLS design and features can be tailored to achieve high attenuation lengths allowing to operate large area X-Arapuca device with a photosensor coverage of O (10-2) as expected in FD2 and FD3.
Accurate PDE measurements of the FD1 X-Arapuca cells show how the new WLS material in synergy with the above mentioned strategies enhance the PDE: the experimental results are compared to simulations. The cryo-reliability, radiopurity assessment and aging tests of the WLS material will be also presented, showing its large field of applications in Ar, Xe, Ar-Xe projects as SBND and DUNE, SOLAR, LEGEND-200, LEGEND-1000.
Outlooks on a possible configurations FD3 XA PhCollector and its relative PDE will be also provided.

Autor primario

Dr. Carla Maria Cattadori (INFN MIlano Bicocca)

Materiales de la presentación