20–22 de septiembre de 2023
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

The Scintillating Bubble Chamber: Overview and Progress

21 sept 2023, 10:00


oral presentation Session IV


Austin de St Croix (Queen's University)


The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) Collaboration is combining the well-established bubble chamber and liquid argon scintillator technologies to build a detector specifically suited to the quasi-background-free measurement of low energy nuclear recoils. This relies on the principle that nuclear recoils induce bubble formation (nucleation) while electron recoils do not, allowing bubble-based discrimination for event energies as low as ~100eV. The scintillation signal will be used to tag and reject higher energy nucleation events and study backgrounds. This yields performance suitable for a competitive WIMP dark matter search in the 1GeV mass region and sensitivity to reactor CEvNS. Construction is nearing completion of the first chamber at Fermilab, which utilizes an active volume of 10kg of superheated liquid argon contained within two fused silica jars. The jars are surrounded by 32 silicon photomultipliers for scintillation light detection. This chamber will be used to collect calibration data, investigate performance using xenon doped liquid argon and study the effects of electric field on nucleation efficiency. A second low background chamber will be built at SNOLAB in the near future. This talk will discuss this detector’s unique functionality, construction and progress at Fermilab.

Autor primario

Austin de St Croix (Queen's University)

Materiales de la presentación