Welcome to NuDataPath web site, the "1st international on-line school on nuclear data: the path from the detector to the reactor calculation". The school is organised by CIEMAT in the framework of the H2020 ARIEL project (www.ariel-h2020.eu).
The goal of the school is to provide to PhD students and young researchers a global overview of the complete nuclear data cycle, starting from the definition of the nuclear data, going through the definition of priorities and target accuracies, needs and conduction of new experiments, experimental data analysis, evaluation of the disseminated nuclear data and ending with the validation with integral experiments. Experts in the different topics will guide the students through this exciting field through a series of theory seminars and hands-on lectures. In this way, students will learn the relevant theoretical concepts and be able run remote calculations such as sensitivity analyses, perform virtual cross section measurements and data analyses and data validations based on integral experiments.
The school is targeted to young researchers, including advanced Master or PhD students and also young postdocs. The selection of the 24 participants is the responsibility of the International Advisory Committee and will be based on the CV and the motivation letter to be attached to the registration form.
The school will be on-line and thus a reasonable computer and a good internet connection will be required. The cost of the school is covered entirely by the ARIEL H2020 project and thus no fees will be charged to the students. The lectures will be taught in morning sessions over a period of 2 weeks, from the 21st of February till the 4th of March 2022.
The applications period will remain open until the 1st of November.