26–27 de septiembre de 2022
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Conceptual design of the neutron line and shutter between the Test Cell and the Facilities for Complementary Experiments.

27 sept 2022, 11:35


Rafal Prokopowicz (NCBJ) Anna Talarowska (NCBJ)


The conceptual design of neutron beam shutter and neutron beam channel has been proposed as one of the subtasks of the Test Systems task in the DONES project partially funded by the Horizon Europe Program. The neutron beam channel and the shutter enable the neutrons produced in the lithium target in the Test Cell, which is the heart of the IFMIF-DONES facility, to reach the Facility for complementary experiments. Within the scope of the preparation of the conceptual design are the neutron shutter thickness definition and selection of the shielding materials based on the neutronic analysis made in collaboration with KIT and IPPLM. A study of the thermal loads and temperature field in the Neutron beam channel and neutron shutter was prepared. Furthermore, the assembly procedure of the neutron beam shutter with the definition of the existing systems interfaces were studied and recognized. As a result, the neutron beam line will be collimated initially by a 3.5 m long zirconium neutron beam channel then the neutron beam will enter the neutron beam shutter. The shutter consists of five rotating discs which provide enough shielding to cut off the beam and allows workers and scientists to enter the Facility for Complementary Experiments - room 160 safely. From the functional point of view, the shutter has three states: it can be fully close while the beam is cut off from the R160, open – when the beam enters the room through the channel formed by the orifices in the five discs, and the transitional stage where it is being closed and opened. The fifth disk has a dedicated place for filters and moderators which can be easily adapted for each experiment.

Autores primarios


Gregor Gałązka Arkady Serikov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Barbara Bieńkowska (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion) Katarzyna Tymińska Grzegorz Wojtania

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