26–27 de septiembre de 2022
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Irradiation Plans for Various Fusion Materials using A-FNS

26 sept 2022, 12:35


Kentaro Ochiai (QST) Satoshi Sato, Masayuki Ohta and Saerom Kwon (Department of Fusion Reactor Materials Research Rokkasho Fusion Institute, Fusion Energy Directorate National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan)


The fusion neutron source A-FNS, whose engineering design is under consideration by QST of Japan, is planned to implement various experiments for fusion reactor candidate materials. A-FNS is a fusion neutron source using d-Li reaction as in IFMIF-DONES, and its neutron generation intensity is comparable.
In addition to irradiation test of reduced activation ferritic steel (F82H) in the A-FNS, irradiation tests will be conducted for the blanket pebble-packing vessel composed of the ceramic breeder materials and neutron multipliers based on beryllium, and the tritium recovery on-line experiment is planned in the A-FNS. This on-line experiment is important for a more detailed evaluation of the tritium recovery performance of the DEMO blanket.
Irradiation test plans for measurement and control devices for JA-DEMO fusion reactor are also under consideration based on the neutronics analysis. The irradiation tests are proposed to verify these equipment functions. Some kinds of cable insulation properties, window materials, and detectors for the plasma diagnostics will be mainly candidate for the neutron irradiation tests. In addition to the above, the A-FNS has been proposed as an experimental target for the activated corrosion production of candidate steel materials with high temperature pressure water by neutron irradiation field.
In this workshop, detail irradiation conditions of the above irradiation test plan by the A-FNS, will be presented.

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