Introduction: Overview environmental footprint and life cycle assessments

26 Sept 2024, 10:15



D. Voelker (DESY)


Footprints, LCAs or environmental impact studies help to understand the impact science has on global challenges like climate change and others. They help to identify the fields for improvement and make progress countable. Is also help raising awareness amongst scientists and stirs more attention to better solution already in the design process of new and updated RIs.

Many evaluations have been conducted lately and there is a common understanding and motivation to develop these approaches further and to design science specific methodologies. So far, some evaluations look at everything - others focus on the big parts. Some look only at Co2 – others at all Greenhouse Gases and yet others take the whole environmental footprint into account or even sustainability measures outside of the ecological realm. And everybody is using different databases and sources for the respective conversion factors.

This session is dedicated to give an overview of what has been done so far and analyses the approaches in terms of methodology, scope, parameters and databases used in order to stir the discussion on and development of metrics and processes to facilitate the evaluation of proposals and allow a fair comparison between them.

Presentation materials