Chairs and Speakers instructions

1. Introduction

The following pages provide additional detailed instructions for the speakers, session chairs and conveners. Please read them carefully. 

 2. Instructions for session chairs and speakers

We kindly ask the speakers to upload their slides well ahead of time.

  • The speakers should upload their presentations to the Indico agenda a few hours before their sessions.
  • Please make sure the slides are numbered so that one could refer to a particular slide easily.


  • At the beginning of each presentation, the chair should briefly introduce the speaker and remind her/him of the presentation time restrictions. 

 3. How to upload material to Indico

  • Please log in to CIEMAT Indico (‘Login’ button at the right top corner of the conference page). (If you are not already in possession of one; please register). Then follow these steps: 

1. Please make sure you are "Logged in" (top right corner).

2. Click on the left-hand menu on “My contributions” and then click on your presentation title.

3. Click on the "pencil" next to Presentation Materials.

4. In Manage Material, select Upload files.

5. Click on "browse" to look for and upload your presentation and then click on Upload at the bottom of the window.

  • If you cannot see your contributions in Indico, please make sure you are logged in using the same email address as for the registration (or add another email address in the settings of your Indico account). 

Please add your material to Indico with enough time before your presentation is scheduled. 

  • Even if your talk may not be ready yet, we recommend trying to go through the process well in advance, so there is enough time for solving issues that might arise. 

Please, do not hesitate to contact us at if you encounter troubles with uploading the material.