The FlexRICAN project, which started in March 2024, brings together three landmark ESFRI infrastructures that have different usages of energy: the European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) in Sweden, the Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI), with two running facilities (Czech Republic and Hungary) and the European Magnetic Field Laboratory AISBL (EMFL), with facilities in Grenoble and Nijmegen for DC fields and Dresden and Toulouse for pulsed fields (CNRS, SRU, HZDR). The RI’s and partners involved in FlexRICAN unite their strengths to optimize their ongoing and future energy projects. They are to demonstrate that the RIs, as electro-intensive actors, are at a good scale to develop a global energetic approach to delivering services to the European electrical grid through optimized energy flexibility and to local heating networks by developing Waste Heat Recovery projects. Developing renewable energy capacity production and managing these developments in an integrated way thanks to energy-oriented modelization integrating RIs user communities and the new stakeholders appears like a promising solution.