Decreasing the footprint for a new SR facility (Bessy III)

26 Sept 2024, 12:25



J. Völker (HZB)


HZB is developing a fourth-generation light source BESSY III, as successor source to BESSY II. Due to a complete redesign of the accelerator building on a green field and the accelerator itself, an attempt should be made to reduce the invested resources, as well as the initial and running carbon footprint of BESSYIII as much as possible. Here it is necessary to identify the parameters with the most impact and find ways to avoid or to reduce them, like the massive amount of concrete that can be reduce by an optimized floor plate design. Additionally, the running energy cost of accelerator components can be reduced by using dedicated amplifier and Permanent Magnets. In this presentation we will discuss the actual values for the project and new ideas to reduce them.

Presentation materials